Month: June 2016
Here’s a very unique story, as it involves something that I never did in all my years as one of Toronto’s top Buyer Agents. A few years back I …
They say “a picture is worth a thousand words“, so today I’m going to paint you a picture of a real life purchase of a home priced at over …
The Donald Trump phenomena (or cancer, whichever your perspective) is now a Global Phenomena! I have a sister in law that lives in London and we just spoke with …
It was billed as a “broadside attack on the Democratic Nominee for President” but came off as yet just another rambling, disjointed mix of outright lies and misrepresentations that …
Let’s face it, yesterday’s vote on basic, logical gun measures going down to defeat at the hands of the Republicans simply says it all. The nation just had a …
Let’s face it. Someone’s got to stand up and stop the nonsense, someone actually capable of leading a country of over three hundred million (300,000,000.oo). After all, isn’t that …
I recently wrote about “That Developer Being Back In Our Lives” and if you didn’t read it, you should do so before jumping into today’s blog. My ownership of …
The definitive reality is that “Window Wall” construction dominates Condoland ever since its introduction back in 2000. As a construction alternative (to “Curtain Wall construction” or “PunchWindow construction” methods) …
I’ve written before about the unacceptable manner under which pre-construction buyers were, and continue to be, “short changed” on the vision that was sold to them at College Park. …
I don’t use profanity in my blogs so I’m going to open by referring you all to Gordon Gekko’s (Michael Douglas) opening line of his lecture in Wall Street …