Month: October 2015
After eight unsuccessful condo purchases, unsuccessful because each attempt brought with it exposure to developers that at best I would call “cockroaches“. I’m sure everyone is familiar with these …
Man, I just can’t imagine where or how they get these guys to write such double-speak! According to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the Canadian Imperial Bank …
I have admitted before that I’ve never been into Canadian politics. I am decidedly more well versed with American politics, spending so much time in America and with all …
Let me state right up front, I am guilty of being a skilled “high pressure” salesman! You don’t get labeled the “King Cobra” (in the land of snakes) for …
What a convoluted game “Condo Land“, as Toronto is known these days, has become! When I say “game“, you may want to take note, especially if you are, like …
As many of you undoubtedly already know, I’ve given up my day to practice as a Buyer’s Agent to develop and produce a meaningful, quality educational product, “Sun Tzu …
Condos in Toronto have indisputably become “commodities” that are traded just like any other commodity on the stock market. The thing that stands Toronto condos apart from all other …