We Need Look No Further Than GOP Rep Meijer In America, To See Where Canada Is Heading Unless Something Drastic Is Done

I have confessed to being a news junkie for most of my life but I pride myself on retaining objectivity by following a number of media sources and doing so has clarified within me why there is so much mass confusion in the world today let alone our own neighbourhoods.

My thirst to have some kind of realistic perspective on where our world is tune into select shows on MSNBC, Fox, (for their contrarian perspective), CNN for their headlines (avoiding clicking on them as I refer to them as “Commercials Not News”), Drudge Report (somewhere in between) and CBC (for somewhat a Canadian perspective).

Once I’ve listed to all of them I then consider my own perspective based on the resulting gumbo of news.

I’ve made my concerns about where Canada is heading due to its flawed and failing court system, and overall governance, where all roads lead directly back to our historic Canadian fixation with copying the Americans.

When I was young, we Canadians chuckled at the Americans, (actually ridiculed them) finding their audacious advertising, billboards. gambling, and boasting, to put it mildly as “offensive” to our Canadian standards.

Somehow, somewhere along he line in the half century I’ve spent running around the world as an entrepreneur Canada has fully embraced American culture and fixated on adapting their culture right down to 24 hour news, “gotcha politics”, and fixation on outright lies which have gained social acceptance during my lifetime that I find unacceptable and offensive.

The fact that much of this outrage emulates from highly educated people getting their jobs because they lie well. Surely becoming good at lying is not the objective of higher education but when you learn that lawyers actually are trained specifically to distort, manipulate the facts with creative speech that’s even called “lawyer speak” I have to admit that the concept gains weight.

My entire point that I’m making in my new ebook series “Canadian Democrazy” is that we Canadians have gone as crazy with our democracy as they have with theirs. I don’t want to get dragged into what goes on in other nations as I see enough dysfunction right here at home that will take a lot of attention and effort to hopefully fix.

Yesterday’s feature with Nichol Wallace on MSNBC I found particularly important as she interviewed journalist Tim Alberta, of The Atlantic. Mr. Alberta shared his enlightened perspective on “what happens when a government proves itself corrupt” but just like here in Justice Refused, there’s no-one there listening.

Alberta talks about his interview with a young GOP rep, Mr. Meijer, a brand new three (3) day member of government whom, in that short time period had experienced corruption regarding certifying the vote and corruption leading to him voting to impeach the President of the United States of America (for the 2nd time) and legitimately trying to do the right thing and was met with such a contradictory reality. This is a sad tale for democracies everywhere and shows that the best of ideal intentions are consistently destroyed by . . . . . the people running the show!

I couldn’t hope to articulate this critical example for Canadians better or any where near as proficiently as does Mr. Alberta, and you really are best served hearing it from him directly. What I can tell you is that Canada and its governance and integrity has been exposed corrupt, inept and failing, to the point where our nations governance will end up exactly where our neighbour to the south has already gone.

I’m publishing a four part series of e-books entitled Canadian Democrazy because that what the first e-book in the series shows.

Our system is broken. Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect in the pages of this easy read critical chronicle of real life corruption and failure of all institutions alleged to be there to protect consumers.

Readers will not find any of the exposed realities in these e-books anywhere else, as they are gleaned from personal first hand “insider’s” experience of Charles (me) of simplycondos.com/simplymansions.com “cred“. 

I’m using the money from the sales of these ebooks to create a legitimate consumer protection agency as consumers have been so seriously exploited in Canada, all the while being told and believing that “a number of government agencies, official Acts and laws are in place to serve them” when the agencies exist but offer absolutely no legitimate protection to consumers.

I’m not a highly educated person. I was born at night though, and my successful career shows that it certainly wasn’t last night . . . . . if you know what I mean!

Today’s eye opener directs you to go to MSNBC and pay particular attention to this interview as if applies to Canada as evidently as it does to the mess in which America finds itself today. 

I’m recruiting conscientious Canadians here and asking you all to simply help me correct the inadequacies set out in this first ebook with our courts, municipal government allegedly blackmailed, and laws to for the first time in history deliver true consumer protection to Canadians today and in the future.

The sales of these ebooks is designed to “inform a virtual army of conscientious Canadians willing to . . . . stand on guard for thee” and finance facing the inevitable threatened civil law suits that in the past and are presently used to protect them. I’m looking for 100,000 Canadians to get their copy and read and understand it and then help me to spread this message throughout our country.

This $1,000,000.00 Legal Defence Fund and Budget will create a totally independent Consumer Protection Agency that will actually, for the first time in Canadian history . . . . . protect Canadian consumers!

I’m not a social media marketer, nor am I even digitally savvy so I legitimately need people to step up and offer their skills, services and contacts to achieve the very lofty goals inherent with taking on such a complicated task. I am the dinosaur of the condo industry (and nation) and don’t confess a whole lot of knowledge on a whole lot of things but I do know where all the bodies are buried in Condoland as I have been active for my entire half century career at the very heart of this rather dysfunctional unregulated futures market, ever since their inception into Canadian law.

I am looking for a publisher and television broadcaster to carry this vital message to all Canadians as it consumes far too much of my time, energy and resources (during my much needed retirement) to do anything but write these ebooks (Justice Refused almost ready to release, Crisis in Condoland, and So Sayeth The Law, and “Condoland . .  . . . The Outcome“).

I am in serious need of assistance on a number of fronts, starting with competent Editor (I hired one for Justice Refused but ended up having to “edit the editor“) and a host of Canadians willing to get involved in this very complex challenge and extremely meaniingful “Cause“, because, if they don’t, then I’ll have a collection of vitally important ebooks that didn’t get distibuted and Canada will ultimately fail in similar fashion to what we see every day going on in America.

My challenge to every Canadian is to take up this cause and do everything in your power to help me make this successful and you will go down in history.

Our nation is teetering on the edge of an abyss and I am uniquely qualified to state the obvious amidst a plethora of lies and fabrications that allowed one con in Oakville to get way with unacceptable, unethical and unlawful conduct in the broad daylight with impunity even after having their malicious and repeated frauds articulated with indexed evidence to the Law Society of Upper Canada.

I confess to not even knowing how to get this cause to go viral but viral it must go! Not for the sake of going viral but for the sake of “standing on guard for thee”!

I’m Charles

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