If you’ve been following my blogs over the past couple decades, you will know that I’ve enjoyed a disproportionate amount of success in real estate.
I’ve made no secret of how I achieved my success and now, I’ve compartmentalized all of the various ingredients in my “Success Recipe” into a formal Success Training For Realtors Course that I’ve titled: “Sun Tzu And The Art of Success”.
The Course is based on my almost five decades of studying Sun Tzu’s “Art of War”, the oldest and most highly revered military classic written 2,300 years ago around 400 to 320 B.C.
Sun Tzu’s works has influenced military thinking throughout history and represents about all the formal education that my misspent youth allowed me. Sun Tzu’s Art of War is the quintessential chronicle for those seeking success in war and applied to real estate in the manner by which I have done to create this “hands-on“, “one-to-one” success training course, has the potential to turn any real estate career into a success story.
I’ve included all the necessary course material, which forms a template, with which Realtors can build their own personal Success Plan, based on the exact Plan that I employed throughout my career in real estate.
The National Association of Realtors in America (representing in excess of 1.2 Million Realtors) just acknowledged an 87% Failure Rate in its members.
And in Toronto Canada, the Toronto Real Estate Board recently acknowledged that “90% of the real estate transactions transacted by its members annually are transacted by just 10% of its members”
This means that between 87% and 90% of the 1.3 Million real estate agents throughout North America are FAILING! What other industry could boast such devastating numbers!
So, my mission now focuses on this select group of straight commission sales people, who enter the industry by taking three short generic courses, passing an “open book” exam, and hanging out their shingle.
I’ve committed to teach North American Realtors, one by one in this Podcast Series, how to become successful in real estate by employing the same, well documented strategy and Success Plan, that I developed and executed for myself, so I know the upside potential for each Realtor that takes this course.
I actually believe that this “first of its kind” course holds the very real potential to significantly affect those staggering negative failure rates in the industry!
If you know someone that is struggling in real estate, new to real estate, or simply wants to increase their income and lifestyle, do them a favour and pass this blog onto them.
I honestly believe that you can apply this documented structure and template to any business and win!
I’m also working on a second course based on the same premise, but specifically designed for all other sales industries.
Real estate is such a unique business, and having most recently enjoyed my unparalleled success in my cold start real estate business, it was logical for me to “pay it forward” to all those other realtors stumbling around in that 87% – 90% failure pool!
I’m so confident that if any Realtor takes this course, completes all the course material that is included, and executes this well documented success strategy, that personal success will be achieved, that I am offering this course for a fraction of its retail “value“, accepting a “pledge” to compensate me out of future “success winnings“!
This Plan made me millions and it can work for anyone committed to doing the work that it takes.
This course constitutes a one year program that can be done at your own speed and tempo in the comforts and privacy of your own home or office.
The “true market value” for such unique and meaningful material (what does success mean to you?) clearly exceeds the price of University yet I’ve identified a realistic Registration Fee of just $99/month.
To avoid any price-point-resistance, I have cut that annual Registration Fee in HALF! For just $599 registrants receive all ten (10) pod cast video training sessions, all of the unique and proprietary course material, and a template for success that requires only the registrants honest work effort to “take it to the streets“.
But, to insure that even this small investment is not beyond the grasp of any committed Realtor out there, I am willing to deliver the entire course on the “Honour System” whereby registrants advance ONLY $99 with the promise (on the honour system) to advance the balance once they’ve executed the Plan and achieved the results.
Success is a different thing to different people and I don’t want to try to define it for you! I know, for me, it meant financial security in my retirement years! This Course and my real estate license gave that to me and it’s time for me to “pay it forward” and that is exactly what this Course will do for you!
I’m Charles