Here’s How We Fix Ontario’s Broken Landlord Tenant Board Right Now!

If you are unaware of the dysfunction and damage being dumped onto Ontario landlords you are definitely not an Ontario landlord, not related to or know any Ontario landlord, and/or just not too well informed on the Landlord Tenant Board and what it does as opposed to what it was designed to do.

Ontario landlords are literally being driven into bankruptcy by design! That’s right, by design. The scheme goes like this: Cons masquerading as renters enter into leases fully intending to stop paying their rent and demanding tens of thousands of dollars in “Greenmail” to let the landlord off the hook. Meanwhile, the landlords are required to continue to pay their mortgage, property tax maintenance costs.

At a time when there is a nation wide housing shortage and no fix in sight it is extremely counterproductive to be driving landlords out of the business of renting properties. So, a little begrudgingly have given up my highly cherished and much deserved retirement to address LTB’s failed efforts to fulfill its mandate.

Ontario’s Ombudsman published a scathing assessment of LTB and LTB’s Annual Report actually articulated a completely failing justice system. LTB’s observable inability to fulfill its sole purpose which was supposed to be to insure that “Justice” is equally served in landlord and tenant disputes.

To fix this I’ve written two (2) MUST READ e-books, “Justice Refused” and “LTB Unfair, Unjust and UnCanadian” exposing the reality that awaits Ontario landlords at LTB.

Fortunately, I vision a relatively easy fix and all it should take is for LTB and its boss Mr. Ford to read “LTB . . . Unfair, Unjust and UnCanadian“. I am confident that this is simply an academic disconnect and that tougher we can fix this in a timely manner.

Once a few straight forward and painless modifications to LTB’s practices and policies that are clearly set out and are implemented, landlords will once again receive the justice allegedly afforded to them under our already existing laws. There simply is no excuse for the lopsided reality shown in this e-book.

As usual, the only significant snag is how to underwrite the potential massive cost to fix it.

My unique vision is to have this series of democracy-saving initiatives (e-books) finance the whole thing without turning to the government as we’re not looking for Studies and/or Reports . . . we need results and we need them now! Landlord are going broke in massive numbers reflected in LTB’s massive backlog of cases.

Proceeds from these e-books will underwrite the full cost by establishing a financial war chest of $500,000.00 which we together can apply to fixing this mess.

To expedite this restoration of integrity I have established the Simply Charles Founder’s Team of 5,000 patriotic Canadians willing to advance $100 up front receiving in return all 5 e-books in the series free; having your name published in all e-books, and free advise in the event that you run into a bad tenant.

At the same time I’m inviting all conscientious Canadians to stand with me simply by read “LTB Unfair, Unjust, and Un-Canadian” (it is free on and once you have convinced yourself on the merits of this Cause, advance the $20 suggested retail price of it. Getting the message to all landlords and tenants in Ontario’s is far more important the the money. The educational value of each e-book far exceeds the investment..

So, please take the time to read this FREE e-book, consider contribute the $20 and spread the word about this critically important cause to as many of your friends, family and contacts.

If we don’t do something, nothing will be done and landlords will continue to be exposed to this type of exploitation and financial/emotional destruction brought onto them by cons masquerading as tenants.

Your support and involvement is critical so please become informed by reading these e-books. That’s all you are being asked to do, educate yourself on this destructive process at LTB and most important spread the word as much as possible.

Together we will fix this and restore integrity to Ontario’s justice system.

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