Tag: Sunrise
You just can’t “buy this kind of meaningful information“, yet it’s FREE here at simplycharles.com! In return I would ask you to simply go to the bottom of the …
Today’s blog really is “the lull before the storm” in the disappointing saga our efforts to buy pre-sale! I mentioned in an early blog that I’ve pretty much given …
Let’s face it, lawyers are an expensive add-on in the real estate buying process. But when it comes to investing the amount of money required to buy a property …
A new development in real estate alternatives these days is POTLs (“Parcels Of Tied Lands“). As a top producing condo specialist in an area as small as from St. …
If you bought a property in and/or around Condoland, you will already know about the “hidden fees” charged by the Municipal Government in “Levies“, “hook-up fees“, “school charges“, etc. …