If you have been reading my blog since I converted www.simplycondos.com into www.simplycharles.com you will already know that I spent 25 years as one of Toronto’s first and top condo developer sales and marketing agents. In 1989 while selling Minto Plaza the entire Canadian real estate market crashed. I am literally the granddaddy of condos in Canada.

Seeing photos of Hong Kong students standing up to tank in Tiananmen Square and realizing that Chinese residents of Hong Kong would be nervous about the impending 1997 reversion of the Colony to the Communist Chinese and would be eager to invest their money elsewhere for security, I designed the first of its kind interactive multimedia CD-ROM (in DOS) with string maps hyperlinking to condo developments with all floor plans, colour photographs, renderings, that later served as the model for Realtor.ca.

I even designed and introduced the first touch screen kiosks before they became available commercially! But lacking in formal education and specifically techno-deprived and/or techno-phobic, my success with technology was making custom condo applications.

This was years before the commercial World Wide Web (Internet) was introduced. I had struggled for a decade in Hong Kong and cannot call my efforts back then a major success, but by 2000 Canada’s real estate market finally showed signs a recovering and the Internet finally was capable of carrying large file sizes enabling pictures, video etc., and the rest is history. I registered simplycondos.com and became an overnight phenomena linking investors all over the globe to condo developments in Toronto.

It had taken a decade for the real estate market to ignite again and thanks to my extremely talented and adaptable business partner (now my wife of 34 years) who self- taught herself computers, hardware and graphic software and database software, learned all inside out without any formal computer education and managed to manifest my vision of a digital condo network.

To keeping alive between the crash and the market bouncing back hustling small CD- ROM production in the travel and tourism industry (maps with hotels, restaurants, etc. – similar basic vision as targeting high-rise residential condos).

I had been introduced to the concept of “buyer agency” in my international travels and the internet was finally becoming able to carry the massive data files required for multi- media shows, and my brilliant partner simply repackaged our Hong Kong CD-ROM condo application into Toronto’s first and only exclusive condo buyer’s agency web site.

My vision was simply to put condo locations on maps that viewers then could click on and open a file with all the photos of the building, its features, amenities, photos of the neighbourhood, etc. along with me aggressively selling the merits of my exclusive FREE Buyer Agency services.

What had proven to be a disappointment in Hong Kong for almost a decade ultimately turned into a golden parachute with the Internet. Simplycondos.com became an international phenomena exploding to over 40,000 Hits per day almost from day one, and remained number one for decades.

I have literally lived the Canadian dream from struggling and battling my way through tough times to the resounding success of simplycondos.com.

I confess to being offended seeing how cons are institutionally getting away with such horrifically damaging and blatantly unlawful schemes against innocent landlords, specifically because of the LTB’s interference with what was once our fair and just justice system!

Obviously, our civic investment in our justice systems has not paid off as LTB and our courts refuse to self evaluate or even listen when being shown the results of their folly. I’ve frustrated myself for years trying to get various government agencies to address how

biased our condo industry is toward consumers who singularly foot all the bills. There are dozens of institutions promoting their unique consumer protection services but tragically, they are all just more academics with academia gone astray. The bottom line truth is that Canadian consumers have minimal protection under law at best as evidenced in this ebook.

Believe me, I’m not looking to become a flamethrower (been there and done that) or to build my own ‘brand’ (been there and done that too) like most mouthpieces today. I am simply trying to get my fellow Canadians to wake up to a very frightening reality that is hiding right out in plain sight which is, that our justice systems just keeps proving dysfunctional to the extreme detriment of thousands of every-day Canadians who’s pleas for justice go totally unheard, unregistered and unsettled.

Cons attract cons like moths to a flame! And cons never quit conning. The horrific bottleneck experienced by LTB since its inception shows us that this collection of highly educated people running things hasn’t been able to and/or aren’t willing or equipped to, come up with a workable scenario to resolve the quagmire because they are the ones that have created it. I have the solution and it is quite simple to fix but the highly educated people running things simply refuse to listen!

Due to growing up in a highly dysfunctional two alcoholic parent household with little to no guidance, I was left to grow up lacking education thus surrounded by opportunists and cons (movers, shakers and loveable horse thieves as the saying goes).

Lacking in formal education leaves you disadvantaged, not just academically but also with respect to developing future business contacts. Having no academic credentials and no established networks of contacts prior to entering the business world introduces and somewhat limits you to a totally different universe of people.

The world I grew up in was a world on cons and actually equipped me to survive. I’ve learned that there are also cons that get educated and they are the ones you’ve really got to look out for. Actually there is at least the appearance that education plays a key roll in developing con credentials that I will discuss at a later date.

I believe our Canadian society has relied far too heavily on academic credentials over common sense logic, which is the only driving force in Entrepreneurland, where I’ve lived throughout my entire career.

Let’s focus here on the main issue at hand, which is the stunningly dysfunctional place that all these highly educated legal minds have brought us to. I’m not talking about the dysfunctional backlog of cases which, if you get involved in a real life case as I have chronicled here, you will quickly agree that the dysfunction comes in through LTB’s lack of receptivity and/or willingness to self-analyse or self-question, a rather straight forward mess that they have uniquely self-created. This is, or at least should literally be, the definition of dysfunction!

The tenant here is as guilty as guilty gets of pre-meditatively orchestrating a rather flawed con job using LTB as his weapon of choice and LTB has failed miserably. It’s not me calling this tenant names, but rather his own published history set out in this ebook that is exposing him a common criminal conman (he’s not a con artist as there is nothing artistic in how he conducts himself).

The arena in which this con has chosen to play, is Ontario’s rental real estate market but with my half century in condos I can assure you he is one of many, many, many cons working this scam across and throughout Canada.

It is shocking to see how many similar premeditated con schemes have headlined in the media lately, yet landlords remain defenceless as Canada’s Privacy Act (another legal quagmire screaming out for help) limits or I should say destroys a landlord’s ability to defend themselves. A simple remedy and about the only effective way of dealing with these cons is to expose them and their conduct publicly to the world!

Giving them exposure while offering them the ability to explain their motivation is all that is needed to fix this, yet Canada’s privacy laws deter this logic. I am a landlord that has been wilfully exploited through LTB and I’ve shown them how they are being used to exploit landlords, gone through the entire 18 month process of a Hearing, and prevailed across the board (not surprisingly as there was not a single element of truth in this tenants scam) and yet LTB still has absolutely no idea of what has gone on right in front of it and no idea that they are creating an ideal operating environment with a standing invitation to cons who have obviously responded to the invitation en mass!

I say this with all due respect . . . LTB has proven itself to be an illegitimate player here in this simple search for justice. LTB lives by policies and procedures that unjustly strip landlords of their civil rights and compromises/removes the legitimate concept of or hope for true justice. It’s unacceptable and I intend to fix it with the help of my fellow patriotic Canadians.

LTB has unconsciously bastardized Canada’s fundamental concept of contract law, resulting in an unfair and ‘unjust’ system of dispute resolution between landlords and tenants that is proven here to be unfair, unjust, and un-Canadian.

I respect that there always are and will always be unsavoury landlords out there, but in the decided majority, they are large multi-unit landlords, many owning high-density high-rise residential buildings and I do believe they must be dealt with harshly.

But I’m talking about the small every-day Canadian landlord who accepts all the risk and who ultimately pays all the bills in Condoland, and whom at LTB are forced to take a back seat on the scales of justice upon which LTB has its entire body weight firmly planted in favour of tenants. That simply is not justice!

My interpretation of what has gone on with LTB is that all the academics in the world could not be expected to anticipate the exploitive skills of well rehearsed cons, so landlords are hard pressed to protect themselves against LTB.

But ignorance of the law is never an excuse. The LTB cannot be let off the hook. I believe that the employees at LTB believe that they are doing a good job and that their intentions are good and honest but they have simply missed the mark. And remember educated stupid is still stupidEducated misinformed is still misinformed and educated refusal to self-assess is civic suicide!

I believe LTB is a clear example of an over reliance on academia to address grass roots social issues like justice under the law. Jobs are decided based on academic credentials with the nation becoming overly confident and reliant upon academic credentials as some kind of magic bullet.

They don’t teach about the existence of cons or how to identify cons or how to deal with them in universities. There is absolutely nothing that can compare with real world, out in the street education and that is achieved only in the real world of the streets.

While all these highly educated lawyers were sitting in class at school studying I, and millions more just like me, were making our successes out in the real world and that education simply cannot be gained in classrooms with theoretical case studies being taught by academics.

I don’t believe that universities teach or even offer courses in how to spot, understand, react to, or protect against a con, let alone how to protect yourself against being caught up by one.

If you think you don’t know any cons and/or don’t run into them, you are simply seriously mistaken. Cons are all around you all the time, everywhere! They come in the most unsuspecting packaging and are consistently good at deceiving you and putting you at ease with them.

Take a look at American politics today and you will see where cons will take you and the country every time! What is going on in America will spread here if we everyday Canadians let it, so it is time, right here and right now that we unite and do something about this. And concerned Canadians are the only ones that bring any hope of fixing this.

In the case documented in this ebook for example, we went through over a year and a half and achieved absolutely nothing, yet LTB would tell you that things “worked their way through the system magnificently”.

The facts show that this case should have been and could have been put to bed in under 30 days just as the system was designed to work. LTB has no prescreening mechanism and this case, shows how close Canada is following America down the toilet bowl.

Our Privacy Laws prohibit landlords from exposing offending tenant’s like the tenant outlined in this ebook, delivering a major win and calling card for cons everywhere. The simple remedy is clean up your system and follow the easy solutions outlined here and reinstate integrity and justice back into our Canadian way of life.

Here we have an outright con caught cold yet LTB, even after 18 months and 2 Hearings, still has absolutely no idea of the true facts of the case or even what has gone on, as their sole information source is the brief audio exchange during the Hearing following an 18 month delay.

For well over a year I had our Answer prepared and I could have delivered it which would have put the entire conflict to bed in under 30 days as it is simply laying out the hard copy facts that are so well documented in emails.

This could have saved tens of thousands of dollars in wasted time, energy and money and a quick assessment of the aggregate of damages to LTB itself in administrative costs should tell you that something has to be done and done right away. So it is clear that the only thing that can fix this mess is us everyday Canadians, so I’m asking you to join me before its too late. I will do the tough slugging and all you have to do is support this cause by investing in your own copy of these ebooks and informing yourself and then passing the word onto as many contacts as possible.

Ontario has a population of approximately 16 million and Canada has a population of approximately 40 million. I’m looking for a minimum of 25,000 patriotic Canadians to invest in a copy of this ebook or half that many if they invest in both ebooks presently offered here on simplycharles.com. And to cut to the chase, I’m asking 5,000 conscientious Canadians to step up as “Founders” contributing $100 up front, receiving both ebooks and all future ebooks in this series without cost. Each founder’s identity will be published in all ebooks going forward and Founder are entitled to free advise assistance in the even that they end up with a con for a tenant.

It is unrealistic to ask or expect our government to handle this for us. That’s not what governments do and we’ve seen the mess that the government has made of LTB, our courts, etc.

Our Provincial Government is LTB’s parent/boss and as with most parents/bosses, not open to any criticism. The only way we can be successful at fixing this is by educating ourselves on the flawed logic that has led to the mess that the landlords are forced to live with today.

Don’t fool yourself, fixing this mess will cost money and my plan is to deliver the education that is needed FREE while having the sales from the ebooks underwrite and finance the entire restoration program.

You’ve already taken the first critical step by reading this ebook free. Hopefully the merits of the unique education in this ebook leads you to contribute $20 and receiving the full copy of each book, each with its own hyperlinked evidence (as the evidence is what really teaches you how to identify and deal with cons). Justice Refused exposes equally as big a problem with our courts as with LTB and actually are an extension of a much more dangerous reality.

The key third critical step to success of these ebooks, is to have you and everyone that reads them to share them with as many of your contacts as possible and ask them all to do the same three steps that you’ve taken (invest, read, and spread the word).

We every-day Canadians must independently fund this complex challenge, as so many of these cons are and/or have lawyers and their number one response has historically been to threaten frivolous libel law suits. I’ve got a shoe box full of threats of libel law suits from unscrupulous lawyers and developers over my 25 years of blogging. So first things first, the sale of these ebooks establishes a legal defence fund to defend against their frivolous law suits that will follow and to establish a true consumer protection agency that legitimately protect consumers and doesn’t just say that they do.

I’ve already been threatened with frivolous law suits in this case, and actually have faced over 30 frivolous Police complaints, four frivolous Criminal Prosecutions, and been forced to attended a half dozen or so formal Hearings, with not a single one ever delivering any meaningful evidence to support some of the most offensive and vile false allegations imaginable. You will not believe the lengths that these people have shown they are willing to gone to!

These first two ebooks deliver startling and shocking truths that show that landlords are being misled to believe that our democracy is sound and safe, when in fact we are caught up in similar dysfunction and corruption as America today and the landlords can see where that is taking America. It is not too late for us but the situation demands the immediate attention of all Canadians.

We can’t rely on Government funding as that will just lead to more of the same, multi- million dollar Studies and Official Reports but no, on-the-ground implementation for or of change. We need action that can only come from the grass roots level. A number of our present day societal problems are clearly identified in these two ebooks, with others, possibly more damaging exposed to follow shortly.

I’m asking all Canadians to educate yourselves by simply getting, reading and promoting these ebooks. I must focus my time, energy and resources on writing these vitally important ebooks that are available exclusively here at www.simplycharles.com.

Wasting time and money through conventional book launches and social media marketing is not something that I have time to do as the writing is demanding all my time, and mental energy.

Legal Defence Fund plus establish consumer protection agency

A. Having 25,000 Canadian Patriots invest in and read their copy of this ebook: “LTB . . . Unfair, Unjust & Un-Canadian” @ $20 and after reading it simply spread the word; OR

B. Have that same 25,000 Canadian Patriots invest in both “LTB . . . Unfair, Unjust & Un-Canadian” and “Justice Refused” reducing the number of supporters needed to 12,500; OR

C. Have 5,000 Canadian Patriots join our “Founder’s Club” investing $100, receiving both these ebooks and all future ebooks in this series without further investment. Founders will also be identified in each ebook and they are a landlord being exploited FREE advice on dealing with their situation;