I had written earlier about LTB’s procedure where the Complainant (tenant) submits the Complaint (T2) and the Defendant (landlord) submits their Answer to each allegation set out in the tenant’s T2. I’ve already documented the flawed logic the highly educated collective at LTB have manifested. Both parties are instructed that any submissions must be delivered “no later than 7 days prior to their Hearing”.

The tenant, having received his copy of our Answer, felt he had to try to confuse and/ or distract from our detailed explanation on each of his observably untruthful and unproven allegations set out in his Word Document. So, the tenant’s shadow legal counsel’s flawed logic attempted second kick at the can shows them committing yet another criminal offence.

As presented earlier the crime is “Public Mischief“ but don’t let the wimpy name fool you! According to S.140 of Canada’s Criminal Code, one commits public mischief if you purposely mislead a peace officer conducting an investigation (LTB is considered a peace officer) by:

  • making a false statement that accuses some other person of having committed an offence;
  • doing anything intended to cause some other person to be suspected of having committed an offence you committed;
  • falsely reporting that an offence has been committed; or
  • making it known that some other person has died when that is not the case.

We walked through the tenant’s T2 in Chapter 3 and in Chapter 5 I laid out our (landlord’s) official Answer supported with comprehensive evidence but LTB remains totally ignorant on the facts of the case that LTB is Ruled on (how does this even make sense?).

As I’ve already mentioned, I’m not a lawyer and have no university degree at all, but basic common sense logic should tell you that it is imperative to achieve justice, both sides must be understood by the court and that would require the reading of all submitted evidence from both sides.

I’m confident that any prudent, unbiased observer of these facts would agree that these facts clearly show that this tenant is guilty on at least on multiple instances of Public Mischief and fraud and that cannot be taken lightly – after all, it is wilful and flagrant criminal conduct and LTB is the only justice available and the only game in town. The massive burden on LTB and taxpayers, financial and emotional burden on innocent landlords simply cannot be tolerated as the core of our democracy is completely compromised.

The tenant and his shadow legal counsel have also perjured themselves and possibly obstructed justice (amongst a string of other possible crimes) and that is specifically what I asked LBT to address in my Answer (yes the Answer LTB has confirmed it did not read). I also asked LTB to penalize this offender, also as set out in their published material, based on the evidence presented to them in my Answer.

A simple notification sent out to all active open cases at the LTB announcing substantial fines and penalties for any/all bad faith, untruthful, and/or misleading submissions would over night slash the backlog that Landlords/Tenant Hearings.

Cons whom today face no risk at all for this illegal conduct (you just can’t allow this with cons or they will never go away!) would immediately bail out on their schemes in droves. With no penalty or even effort to weed out this corruption LTB has created literally an untouchable playing field for cons and the cons have accepted the invitation wholeheartedly.

You see, when LTB somehow contorted conventional Canadian contract law in favour of and biased in favour of tenants, it did so at the sole expense of landlords. LTB sent out a standing invitation to cons everywhere that opportunities exist in our rental real estate market and in the world of cons the word goes out on their jungle telegraph, and they’ve come to this key sector of our country’s economy in literal droves with the result that is clearly seen in the ever existing and increasing backlog at LTB.

It is my selfeducated analysis that one of the major components upon which this flawed logic has been allowed to manifest is having “academics” structure, manage, and enforce our laws and civic governance. Does LTB boast any successful entrepreneurs in its ranks? What entrepreneurs learn out in the streets of the real world while all these highly educated people sat in classrooms writing exams on material they’ve just studied cannot be compared and in this LTB example I respectfully submit that I would bet on my solutions over any of theirs. The backlog alone shows that LTB has no solution and basically that it does not assess its own effectiveness. LTB needs an outsider and this one is confident that he can fix this in quick order.

It is clear that universities don’t have courses on identifying or dealing with cons, thus having academics, overseeing governance of LTB is simply a clear example of “the visually impaired leading the visually impaired”. Don’t take my word for it . . . just look at this mess as described, not by me but the Ontario Ombudsman as set out in Chapter 2.

Now, let’s take a look at this tenant’s illogical but revealing last minute desperate move. It really is typical con behaviour. There isn’t much unique about this guy. He’s just an idiot being misled by his mysteriously misinformed idiot referred to here as his corrupt shadow legal counsel. Two half wits don’t make a whole.

But it isn’t this tenant or even his shadow legal counsel that I’m focusing on here. They are incidental players compared to LTB’s exposed shortcoming proven here. LTB has become these cons’ weapon of choice with which they commit crimes against you, me, and everyone around us.

The evidence shows that this tenant fully intended to greenmail us before ever meeting and have taken this entirely false matter that they have sown together with lies to LTB and orchestrated it right out in the open, confident that they would get paid.

And then he arrogantly is seen confidently trying to bluff his way through an actual LTB Hearing, confident the LTB was as flawed as this evidence shows them being. Close but no cigar ladies and gentlemen.

Quite frankly the LTB is not delivering justice at all and there definitely is a way to fix this other than LTB’s alternative of continuing to do the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.

After copying the tenant my Answer (as required at LTB) I recall my wife saying later that same evening that “the lights are on in the den across the street tonight”, and sure enough, the lights were on at this tenant’s shadow legal counsel’s war room for a couple nights in a row. I just can’t imagine any real professional having the massive amount of time and energy to waste that each of these two have shown here.

And the result of their burning of the midnight oil came in the form of this entirely new attempt at submitting a new undisclosed T2 (or what this tenant’s dysfunctional shadow legal counsel thought to be a new T2 but, as usual, she failed to understand how basic law works as both parties are required to have all submissions submitted prior to any Hearing . . . thus no surprises). This should not be a difficult concept to understand by a “highly educated lawyer”.

First of all, the observable legal deficiency of his shadow legal counsel and lack of basic comprehension of common law, is noteworthy (this is a practicing lawyer folks that anyone in Ontario could end up hiring and getting the type of dysfunctional legal advise shown here).

To comply legally they were required to simply file an amendment to their initial T2 and submitted the amendment at least a week prior to the Hearing. Competent counsel would know or should have known better than to try to spring an entirely new legal document at court without disclosure to the other party. A first year law student would tell you that you can’t submit and entirely new complaint without having given the other party the benefit of reading it before a Hearing.

But here we have the tenant’s observably flawed attempt to introduce an in-depth but totally false rebuttal to the landlord’s legitimate Answers (which would be inappropriate in and of itself), alleging that it was an independent T2.

What the landlords sending their Answer in early as a courtesy to LTB actually did (whom the landlords believed would actually read it) was to give the tenant’s shadow legal counsel time to (burn the midnight oil) attempt to create another totally fabricated distraction to file with LTB, meaning that this is yet another official Criminal Offence by this tenant committed against LTB and taxpayers, which is another guilty verdict with respect to his crime of “Public Mischief”.

Now, there is not an honest statement to be found in this seriously flawed attempt to further mislead LTB but I am including it here as it literally is another word salad of lies, excuses and unethical rationalization from a cornered criminal.

You will see the corruption of these two individuals, as the points are a literal point-to-point response to the landlord’s Answer set out in Chapter 5:

1. My landlord repeatedly harassed us and interfered with our quiet enjoyment of our property. They repeatedly would yell things at us when the landlords were outside or walking by their house calling us “little people” and “pay your rent” and many other harassing things in front of other neighbours. This continued harassing behaviour became overwhelming for myself and especially my wife who suffers from anxiety from their continued harassment forced her to require medication due to continuous stress they were putting onto her at our home. At least he wasn’t disputing that he had not paid his rent.

    2. “My landlord had a camera on our house and would video tape us coming and going from our home as evidenced by their submission to the LTB of us driving our car leaving to drop my 12 year old daughter off at school. For the record, the landlord had no “camera on their house”. Our surveillance camera are not set on the rental property at all and what they did catch was the tenant on multiple occasions driving by the landlords private home harassing and verbally provoking the landlords. The landlords surveillance cameras show only the immediate front of the landlord’s private residence not the rented property.

    3. The Landlord insisted on me supplying post dated checks to him which we did give to him for November, 2021, December 2021, January 2022, February 2022, March 2022.Then he requested additional post dated checks again on March 23rd, 2022 (see email) which we supplied for April 2022 and May 2022. This is against the rules of the Landlord Tenant Act which I was unaware of when entering my lease but my Landlord being a 30 year realtor was well aware this was against the rules but insisted anyway. The landlord had over 50 years experience in real estate and therefore did not and would never “insist” on post dated cheques.

    4. March 30, 2022 text exchange with my landlord showing our exchange and my willingness to let them show the property offering them the following day between 1-3PM then within the same day them telling me “we have decided to suspend the listing”. See Text messages dated March 20/22. The tenant is seen here directly trying to counter the landlords submitted evidence showing him wilfully interfering with their efforts to sell their property.

    5. On July 20, 2022 approximately 10 months into my lease my landlord continued harassing me by contacting my former employer and fraudulently claiming that I was applying for a lease with them and asking for my personal information. See email dated July 20, 2022. Based on the tenant’s irrational and hostile conduct and actions the landlords did contact his previous employer where we discovered that the tenant had lied and misled on his Rental Application which is another Offence.

    6. On July 27th, 2022 my Landlord continued to harass us by attempting to enter our property and show it to third parties when they improperly served us noticed with a completely different date stating that they were going to enter our property on a past date of February 27th, 2022. See email dated July 26th, 2022. The tenant is trying to deflect from his conduct set out in an audio recording of him turning the owner, and Realtor with client away due to an inconsequential error in the date of her Notice. Note his repeating reference to “our property” when referreding to the landlord’s property.

      7. On August4,2022 My landlord continued to harass me by improperly serving me notice to show the property. A landlord that gives the required written notice to show the property is not and cannot rationally be classified harassment but rather is conventional under LTB’s requirements.

      8. On approximately August 4, 2022 I became aware that my landlord was sharing mypersonal information with a 3rd party called Front Lobby which I never gave them any permission to do so and violated my privacy rights. I asked them to stop sharing mypersonal information with 3rd parties, yet they continued to falsely share incorrectinformation to this 3rd party. Tenant’s not paying their rent can lawfully be reported to Front Lobby, who’s website assures all interested parties of their legal right to publish bad actors not paying their rent.

      9. August 10th, 2022 I requested proper rental receipts from my landlord which to date they still have not provided to me. This is simply more distraction as he was sent photocopies of his cheques repeatedly and each time he would allege impropriety.

        10. On August 13, 2022 my landlord harassed and violated my privacy when he shared our personal information with a 3rd party when he sent an email to myself and from the city of Oakville stating in it that my rent was past due and “Pay your past due rent for July and August immediately”. The landlord had copied an email to the tenant to the By- law officer called in by the tenant’s false complaint of “the back deck being dangerous”. Cons notoriously accuse their targets of doing exactly what they are doing themselves to the targets of their con.

        11. On August 15th, 2022 landlord continues to harass me by sending harassing emails with links to articles titled “Fraud rental Application” for no purpose but to harass me. See email date August 15th, 2022. The landlord was attempting to educate the tenant to the dysfunction underscoring his shadow legal counsel’s advice to him.

        12. On August 15th, 2022 my landlord filed a N5 to evict us and withdrew the claim on May 25th, 2023. With the N4 Hearing noticed to the parties in August 2022 it became redundant to continue with the N5 as you can only evict someone once.

        13. On August 20th, 2022 My landlord continued to harass me by improperly serving me notice to show the property with an incorrect date on the notice but still entered the property anyways into our garage. See email to their lawyer on August 20th, 2022. Asked and answered in landlord’s Answer.

        14. On September 14th, 2022 my landlord filed a fraudulent N8 with LTB claiming I owed them rent for July, August, and September totalling $15,000 in rent which is impossible when they were holding my money for September rent for the past year as that was the last month of our rental agreement. They withdrew this claim on September 23, 2022. The tenant’s own email shows that he remained in the property until October 18th, changing the “last month’s rent” to October which is exactly how the accounted ended up in the Ruling.

        15. On September 21st, 2022 my landlord withdrew his claim with LTB to evict me because he knew we were planning to vacate the property as days previous we had several moving companies on site to provide us with moving quotes. Since he continuously watched our house and had cameras on our house to monitor our every move proving he falsely filed this claim with the LTB in an effort to harass me. This is simply yet another smoke screen. We had no reason or interest to “watch the house” (he again mistakes it as “our” his house) and certainly had no way of knowing that he was “planning to vacate” as he never disclosed anything to us until October 2nd when he gave 2 weeks notice of his intention to vacate the property.

        16. On October 1st, 2022 I sent a notice to vacate on October 18th, 2022 due to their continued harassment, interference with our quiet enjoyment of our property and multiple notices to evict us. LTB’s Ruling (see Chapter 8) clearly that there was no evidence of any harassment, interference with quiet enjoyment, and no notices to evict other than LTB’s final Ruling in which LTB found 100% for the landlords across the board.

        17. November 4th, 2022 My landlords have continued to harass and threaten me even acer I moved out of the property. They are still to this day sharing my personal information with Front Lobby and Landlord Tenant Bureau without my consent and have shared false amounts of monies owed to them claiming I owed them $29,940 dollars in rent. I do not owe them this money, nor did I ever owe them this and as a licenses realtor he is well aware of this. They are continuing to provide 3rd parties with false information attacking my credit report and credit rating. This false information has directly affected my ability to get credit due to the impact they have caused my credit rating by suppling false information. See email to their paralegal on November 4th, 2022 with the landlords email. There is not a truthful word here but there is an obvious admittance that this attempt at another alleged T2 was a direct response/reply to the landlord’s Answer to his original T2.

        18. On October 1st, 2022 I sent a notice to vacate on October 18th, 2022 due to their continued harassment, interference with our quiet enjoyment of our property and multiple notices to evict us. Despite a literal deluge of false claims of harassment, and interference with his quiet enjoyment of the property but absolutely no supporting evidence to his claims, the Chairperson issuing the Ruling stipulated on the record that “there was no harassment or interference with his quiet enjoyment”.

        19. Landlord has submitted costs showing for XXXXX Law which was legal representation for 2 LTB files that were both withdrawn by the landlord LTB -XXXX-22 and LTB- XXXX-22 Please see email from XXXXX LAW stating on September 15, 2022 that we were no longer representing Charles. I can’t come up with a logical answer to this lie in search of a place to land. We had used two different paralegals to insure a professional buffer between the parties but I have no idea what he is trying to say here. I believe that this is because he wasn’t writing this, his shadow legal counsel was.

        The important observation here is not in the substance and/or content of this attempt at a legal submission to LTB (it was not submitted to the record as requested by the tenant), what is important is that it is yet another attempted criminal offence being perpetrated by this tenant and his shadow legal counsel.

        One needs only read LTB’s instructions or watch any of the many court tv shows presently airing, to have sufficient understanding of the legal process to know that you cannot submit last minute (oureyesonly) requests when dealing with legal matters. Proper legal counsel would have told him that all he was required to do was submit an amendment to his original T2.

        But even here, LTB shows a decided lack of comprehension of how to deal with cons! The Chairperson actually, without being solicited voluntarily offered to delay the entire matter again, without the tenant even requesting it!

        Fortunately the tenant did not want to prolong the matter any longer as he had secured alternative accommodation and now understood that the landlords were not going to pay him his greenmail ransom and that his claim was lost, due to him having read the landlord’s submitted Answer with the one page Introduction that proved the claim being moot due to his own emails proving him lying.

        The truth is that it was the tenant’s shadow legal counsel writing his threat emails for him and him forwarding them along as if they were his own, pretending that they all were his words. How else would one be so stupid as to send such self-contradicting emails as I’ve shown you in this ebook.

        His nonforwarded emails in which he writes: “you told us that you are first in line to have the cement deck built this spring” are his own writing. The point is, if you are using a shadow legal counsel to litigate your false Claim behind the scenes seeking financial damages for work not having been completed in the fall 2021 at the commencement of the lease” you at least want to know that your shadow counsel has read all your emails?

        Not a single word in this document is truthful or factually accurate! He is again wilfully misleading LTB at we taxpayer’s expense. Are you seeing the inherent dysfunction leading to corruption here.

        More important than this though, is the fact that LTB, to this very day, has absolutely no awareness of the fraud this tenant was perpetuating against it! And even more important than that, the LTB’s own words at the Hearing show that the LTB had not even read my detailed Answer (they have admittedly this in the taped transcript of the Hearing).

        The logical question is: “How did all these highly trained university educated lawyers get the very concept of “justice” so drastically wrong”? And more importantly: “what are all Ontario landlords and taxpayers prepared to do to fix this”?

        THE GOAL IS TO RAISE $500,000.00 TO FIX THIS
        Legal Defence Fund plus establish consumer protection agency

        A. Having 25,000 Canadian Patriots invest in and read their copy of this ebook: “LTB . . . Unfair, Unjust & Un-Canadian” @ $20 and after reading it simply spread the word; OR

        B. Have that same 25,000 Canadian Patriots invest in both “LTB . . . Unfair, Unjust & Un-Canadian” and “Justice Refused” reducing the number of supporters needed to 12,500; OR

        C. Have 5,000 Canadian Patriots join our “Founder’s Club” investing $100, receiving both these ebooks and all future ebooks in this series without further investment. Founders will also be identified in each ebook and they are a landlord being exploited FREE advice on dealing with their situation;