Let’s just take a moment and reflect on the first fact stated in this ebook which is the literal definition of justice:

Justice is the ethical, philosophical idea that people are to be treated impartially, fairly, properly, and reasonably by the law and by arbiters of the law, that laws are to ensure that no harm befalls another, and where harm is alleged, a remedial action is taken – both the accuser and the accused receive a morally right consequence merited by theiractions.” Legal Information Institute

In order to fix this, it is imperative that we all realize and accept the fact that this problem actually exists today and that it is simply getting progressively more damaging to our nation and its citizens.

Landlords are being forced into bankruptcy, living in basements while their tenants live in the rest of the house not paying them any rent, while the landlords pay for maintenance, taxes, mortgages, etc.

Tenants are unlawfully demanding and getting tens of thousands of dollars in greenmail to get them to vacate and return their valuable property to the landlords which is many times the landlord’s largest investment for retirement.

I present here a simple, painless and ethically responsible solution that will literally fix this broken system in a very short time while restoring integrity and honour into our nation’s justice system.

As usual, academics can’t and won’t or aren’t equipped to solve this. It will take the mass of everyday people uniting under one common cause and purpose to stop punishing Ontario and Canadian landlords by simply restoring true justice into LTB, our governments, and our courts of law, something that is tragically and observably missing today.


Step one in all crisis is to “stop the bleeding” and that can only start once LTB has accepted that what is presented here is factually accurate and that its system is not working.

My historic approach as an entrepreneur has always been to approach all challenges respectfully and simply stick with and rely on only the facts and we as a collective may ultimately have to pursue fixing this in court through a class a action law suit.

This is the main reason for my having written these ebooks (to create a $500,000.00 restoration/legal defence war chest and consumer protection agency). I know that in a Province of approximately 16 Million people, I will find 25,000 Canadians interested in educating themselves enough to contribute $20 after having done so.

And I’m equally as confident that 5,000 initial supporters (“Founders”) becoming educated will contribute $100 to expedite our progress..

With these 5,000 Founders (each to have their names included in every ebook and all future and existing ebooks without further investment) referring us to all of their contacts which again will recycle taking our message to their contacts and, all of a sudden we have exponential growth, an abundant legal war chest if needed, and growing numbers of educated supporters and that is what makes governments and specifically LTB listen and work with us.

Refusing to acknowledge that small landlords in pursuit of the true Canadian Dream have been betrayed by our justice system simply cannot be brushed aside. The Canadian dream has literally become the Canadian nightmare, and in true classic Aldous Huxley logic: “If you have behaved badly, repent make what amends you can, and set about doing better in the future. Rolling in the mud is not the best way of getting clean”. Let’s work together and fix this once and for all.

LTB has shown us that they are locked into a mind-set that supports simply doing the same academic exercise over and over and over again while publishing that it is doing everything in its power to fix this ever growing backlog of cases (according to the Ontario Ombudsman).

Once we have got the Provincial Government and LTB to at least accept the fact that there may be serious inherent problems at LTB, the success formula becomes quite simple and straight forward. There’s really nothing complicated about fixing this.

I’ve laid out the opening steps of the dance here. With upwards of 25,000 supporters, we can feel confident that we will catch LTB’s and Premiere Ford’s attention quickly and once they’ve read this ebook serious discussions will follow.

When we meet our targeted goal, the official ebook (containing all founders’ names) will be released with all evidence files linked. The evidence here is equally important for educational purposes as is the Case Study. Founders and supporters will receive all the evidence in the commercial version of this.

This is not an ‘us against them’ situation. It is ‘us with them’ striving to simply re-establish full and fair justice for all Canadians. This can be achieved literally overnight if all parties are willing to engage.

The first thing to do can be easily accomplished with a simple stroke of a pen dropping the flawed logic that imposes having all leases in Ontario automatically transition to month to month leases. I challenge anyone to present a sound argument that supports this logic and explain why this remedy cannot be enacted.

On the surface LTB may be given somewhat of a break as their decision to introduce this may have academically seemed a rather minuscule imposition into conventional Canadian contract law, but in reality this is the major cause of landlord and tenant claims. LTB apparently is totally unaware of what I call CONadians amongst us (Cons masquerading as Canadians while ripping them off).

I use the word CONadians expressly to make it clear that their conduct in no way reflects the true historic integrity of being a Canadian. CONadians are cons who have been attracted like moths to a flame to LTB’s flawed logic that has led to the massive backlog that exists today and, if anything is getting worse by the day.

LTB appears to have inadvertently built in this sleeping giant contradiction within its required Standard Lease Form where it specifies in Clause 4. “Term of Tenancy Agreement – This tenancy agreement is for a fixed length of time ending on (eg 2023/08/01)”. Please be sure to read this again and make sure you get exactly what the contract is saying because this is simply not the case when applied.

Most important is what LTB’s Standard Lease Form does NOT say. It does not disclose that its Standard Lease automatically transitions into a month to month lease and it doesn’t say how it takes away the landlord’s control over their own valuable property, putting it into the hands of a con wilfully setting out to unlawfully exploit the landlord.

Due expressly to LTB’s flawed logic, its required Standard Lease Form literally contradicts itself! It doesn’t take a university degree to understand that Term of Tenancy Agreement – This tenancy agreement is for a fixed length of time ending on (2022/09/01) in a contract that automatically transitions into a “month to month lease”. This simply makes no sense at all (academic or otherwise). And this flagrant contradiction does not even consider whether the tenant is in good standing (as in paying their rent) or not. It is as though LTB is totally unaware that cons exist.

Do away with this illogic and sanity will have a solid foundation to return to the LTB.

This is the legitimate real world time bomb that LTB hands out in every case including the one chronicled in this ebook. A simple Amendment to this observable duality in all LTB’s required leases would remedy this overnight. This is the logical first step in fixing LTB’s flawed concept of justice. I believe that through sincere and professional dialogue all of this mess can be cleared in a very short time frame without hostility or litigation.

Simply dropping this unjust modification in historical Ontario and Canadian contract law will immediately significantly decrease the enormous case load that presently carries an 18 month backlog in cases.

Next step is for LTB to inform all parties (future and present) that LTB is adding an Integrity Officer to review and evaluate all cases on file. Any party caught wilfully submitting Bad Faith claims and/or proven false testimony or misleading evidence will face a substantial cash fine per incident. Observers will get to watch a literal stampede of LTB backlog cases settled overnight with the backlog dropping like an anchor.

Next step (and this one simply makes common sense) is to have any/all tenants challenging their landlords to be required to continue advancing their full rent, on time into a trust fund under LTB’s control. At the dispensation of the Hearings LTB would then release the funds to the prevailing party. This again would cut the massive backlog of the remaining cases after the first culling (above).

Next step is to have the prevailing party’s legal cost paid by the non-prevailing party of Bad Faith filings. This provision will further drastically narrow the bottleneck and backlog at LTB. It is already included in LTB’s paperwork but obviously they didn’t even consider it.

Had LTB read my submissions they would have addressed my request at the Hearing which they did not. In my Answer (Chapter 5) I specifically referred to and requested this but LTB closed the file without doing so after acknowleging to not having read my Answer. These are the “little things” that negate or at least seriously implodes LTB’s credibility.

LTB must introduce an administrative mechanism where each Claim and Answer with evidence is scrutinized immediately upon its filing, and if one party submits sufficient evidence that proves that the other party is acting in “Bad Faith” (lying) can apply for a Motion of a Summary Judgement (application to have the bad faith matter thrown out).

This simple procedural adjustment applied in the matter set out in this ebook would have stopped to entire need and expense of 2 of the 3 Hearings thereby once again, significantly pairing down the waste of taxpayer money and number of cases thus the bottleneck.

LTB must also restore the integrity of its published material and documentation to re- establish all parties to equal standing under the law. If a landlord faces some kind of potential fine or penalty for their conduct so must the tenant. That’s what they call “equal under the law”.

Most importantly, LTB must read all submitted documents (I could stop here as they didn’t read any in the case set out herein) immediately upon receipt of a Complaint and ensure that the claim is legitimate and valid. I spoke of the Integrity Officer (above).

Having parties that agree to settle prior to a Hearing go on the docket before disputed cases is impractical, illogical, ill-informed, and damages the innocent party regardless of the outcome which is a huge weapon to any con. A landlord hiring legal counsel faces repeat deferred Hearing at a great expense while tenants with bad faith claims don’t even have to pay leg counsel.

At each Hearing we were attended we were required to listen to dozens of settling cases before having our case heard we. The majority of these cases could have been handled without having them consume the majority of time at the live Hearing.

Our simple case for non payment of rent had an original Hearing date where we listened to over a dozen non-disputed files simply academically closed (while thousands of disputed matters sit idol awaiting a Hearing date). This is another simple common sense tweak that LTB can apply to rid itself of the backlog of cases.

As oversimplified as this may all sound to you, LTB totally missed the boat with the case documented here specifically by not having even read both party’s submissions prior to the Hearing. With all due respect, that is called ‘malfeasance’ and there is nowhere in the law where malfeasance can be tolerated.

Had LTB made the simple introduction of the possibility for a wronged party to Motion for Summary Judgement the historic backlog of unsettled cases at LTB and devastating impact on landlords would literally disappear.

I challenge any reasonable and rational person to present their argument to my position set out here and explain why these simple, common sense recommendations won’t work and look forward to debating these recommendations with LTB (I would say discussing but I’m doubtful LTB wants to discuss this).

All I am calling for is the re-establishment of justice back into our justice system. As it stands today there simply is none and cons have gotten the message loud and clear, and are exploiting honest everyday Canadian landlords simply pursuing the Canadian dream.

These ebooks are the only hope that we have to fixing this catastrophic chaos. Things worked relatively smoothly before LTB came along and things will work again if and when enough everyday Canadians realize the threat and support this cause and keep informed on the governance of LTB, our governments, and our legal systems. This type of shared knowledge distributed to volumes of Canadians will deliver considerable weight!

To insure optimum outreach this ebook (LTB – Unfair, Unjust, and Un-Canadian) is being made available FREE. We need to raise at least a half million dollar war chest (to litigate with LTB, Province of Ontario, and others only if necessary and fend off frivolous law suits) and to build Canada’s ONLY legitimate consumer protection agency. This is your opportunity to stand up for a very worthy and critically important task.

Once Canadians have adequately informed themselves on these various issues by reading these ebooks I know true patriotic Canadians will support us in fixing up the mess that exists today.

Legal Defence Fund plus establish consumer protection agency

A. Having 25,000 Canadian Patriots invest in and read their copy of this ebook: “LTB . . . Unfair, Unjust & Un-Canadian” @ $20 and after reading it simply spread the word; OR

B. Have that same 25,000 Canadian Patriots invest in both “LTB . . . Unfair, Unjust & Un-Canadian” and “Justice Refused” reducing the number of supporters needed to 12,500; OR

C. Have 5,000 Canadian Patriots join our “Founder’s Club” investing $100, receiving both these ebooks and all future ebooks in this series without further investment. Founders will also be identified in each ebook and they are a landlord being exploited FREE advice on dealing with their situation;

And I’ve got to close off this e-book by sharing one of the most fascinating developments that proves itself one of most strange thing that I can recall ever happening. Within a few hours of my officially coming out of retirement to publish this e-book I updated my contact info on my site I received a subscription request.

Now, this is after not having even opened my site for 2 years and now my email informs me that someone had just coincidentally requested to register.  Coincidence  . . .  I don’t think so! 

You’ve just read LTB Unfair, Unjust and Un-Canadian where I introduced you to two cons, a bad faith tenant and his shadow legal counsel that were systematically using the LTB to “greenmail” my wife and I. Say hello to the shadow legal counsellor folks!

And the next two days brought two more strikingly similar weird email addresses with similarly observably phone names and email addresses. This logically can only be the shadow legal counsellor (five years after she corruptly overthrew the condo corporation, took control of the Board of Directors embedding her puppet as President of the Board and ripping the community off for its grand entrance Feature that had an easement on her lot)!

This irrational behaviour by this lawyer is sadly nothing new. We’ve got three or four letters delivered to our home from mysteriously unknown persons with weird names falsely saying the “met me in a local bar” and suggesting that they had met some of my neighbours who told her that “I’m not fit to live in this community“. The problem is that I don’t drink and haven’t been in a bar for decades. And this doesn’t touch on the 30+ false Police visits and 4 different false Criminal Summons’.

The thing about cons, when you first meet you will undoubtedly be impressed as she’s relatively articulate and throws her legal credentials around in almost every breath. As far as cons go, and I’ve met more of them than I could care to remember, she is  impressive but that lasts only in short bursts. 

This is what makes the education in these e-books so valuable because we’re talking about real life here! Be careful, she (if you life in Oakville) and/or many others like her, very well might be your neighbour.