Charles, “Chief Simpleton” at, is a proven visionary and a serial entrepreneur with a proven track record in residential condos dating back to their introduction into Canadian law in the late 1970’s. He is also known for successful side hustles in commercial music, commercial video production, television series production and syndication and multimedia.
When Canada’s real estate market crashed in 1989 he responded by developing the first ever electronic database for residential condos in Canada (there was no Internet and no-one had ever seen photographs on a computer let alone their Commodore 64 at that time).
The goal was to sell Toronto’s stagnant inventory of condos to Hong Kong residents anxious to park their money abroad prior to the reversion of the Colony to the Communist Chinese. Canada proved one of the safest investment destinations for emigration/investing in residential properties (always a premiere investment mechanism).
It took almost a decade for Canada’s real estate market to begin to show signs of recovery. Charles simply sold and produced interactive multimedia visitor industry (first of their kind) CD-ROMs in American key tourism industry marketing destinations.
In 2000 Charles, recognizing that the market was coming back, introduced (another new concept) to Canadian real estate “Buyer Agency” and got a real estate brokers’ licence. By this time the Internet’s capacity to handle large files had caught up with Charles’ decade old digital vision.
Charles simply repurposed his CD-ROM application that had worked marginally but hadn’t delivered for almost a decade (fortunately Charles was committed to not failing and pursued his vision of digital real estate marketing) and instantly became the #1 web site/Blog and remained the number one site for international condo buyers for the next two decades.
Charles is a proud patriotic Canadian and is appalled as a landlord, as a consumer, and as a Canadian, learning of the dysfunctional throughout our entire justice system.
And as with all things in life, everything starts at grass roots level and it is only at that level that Charles believes anything will ever be done to fix this.
Charles is uniquely qualified to fix the mess created by LTB and this latest ebook “LTB Unfair, Unjust, Un-Canadian” literally litigates the entire matter leaving no grey areas.
Today in Ontario (and throughout Canada) landlords numbering in the tens of thousands are being financially and emotionally destroyed by the unfair, unjust and un- Canadian LTB. CBC just had a segment on this topic thus nothing is changing.
You can believe that if this matter was not so critically important to Canadians, Charles would continue enjoyed his much deserved and cherished retirement. He’s committing to fight this fight for Canada’s very existence.
Charles is asking you to support this cause and all that you have to do is educate yourself with these ebooks and refer them to all your friends, family and contacts.
With enough support this ebook series and sufficient participation by people like you we will be able to restore the integrity lost, in not only our courts of law but all matters relating to the governance of our cherished Canadian culture.
This ebook is dedicated to the thousand of honest everyday Canadian landlords whom have been literally bankrupted and those presently being abused and threatened with bankruptcy due to LTB’s senseless concept of ‘justice’ (best advise is to read the opening line of this ebook.
For your convenience and to insure clarity here is the literal definition of justice :
JUSTICE DEFINED: The quality of being just; fairness.
“Justice is the ethical, philosophical idea that people are to be treated impartially, fairly, properly, and reasonably by the law and by arbiters of the law, that laws are to ensure that no harm befalls another, and where harm is alleged, a remedial action is taken – both the accuser and the accused receive a morally right consequence merited by their actions.” Legal Information Institute
Please consider becoming a Founder if possible or invest in this ebook (this is the FREE version as The Message is much more important than the money. Once you’ve read and digested this ebook Charles is confident that you will become a Founder and/or invest in your own copy of this MUST READ EBOOK.
Read Fist and then Invest/Support
Legal Defence Fund plus establish consumer protection agency
A. Having 25,000 Canadian Patriots invest in and read their copy of this ebook: “LTB . . . Unfair, Unjust & Un-Canadian” @ $20 and after reading it simply spread the word; OR
B. Have that same 25,000 Canadian Patriots invest in both “LTB . . . Unfair, Unjust & Un-Canadian” and “Justice Refused” reducing the number of supporters needed to 12,500; OR
C. Have 5,000 Canadian Patriots join our “Founder’s Club” investing $100, receiving both these ebooks and all future ebooks in this series without further investment. Founders will also be identified in each ebook and they are a landlord being exploited FREE advice on dealing with their situation;